I lost count on my blessings til today.

2 min readAug 2, 2023


Truly over-joyed and over-love. And your presences always be my simple pleasure in life, and I’ll be eternally grateful for that. Mikirin sambil ucap syukur berkali-kali karena Allah baik sekali dengan segala tulisan takdirnya. Pernah gimana itu biarin jadi pelajaran buat sama-sama berproses. Nggak sempurna, memang. Sayang banget sampe mau nangis mikirinnya kadang (nangis deng). Still, nggak mengurangi rasa sedihnya sama sekali. It’s just you used to be my twentyfourseven and my nineoneone call. Tapi rasa syukur dan bangga lebih padet sih kali ini. You are still and always be everything I’ve ever wished for, Kak. Thank you for sharing this life with me, thank you for counting me in in this beautiful journey of yours. Whatever is ahead us, I am really thankful for how far we’ve become. As a couple and individuals, I love you so much. Anddd I really am couldn’t be more proud of being yours. The one who always fill himself up with passion and compassion and all the good things inside, I won’t tell ntar geer but you totally deserves what you have been struggle, Kak. I know it’s not an easy road to take to but you did it amazingly, as you always did. A very congratulation for us ya. We’re gonna go big. And I promise to be there in every step of our way. Aku sendiri nggak ingin banyak berpesan atau janji kali ini. Karena aku yakin bgt kalo niat baik akan selalu diberi banyak kemudahan. Jangan berhenti berdoa dan bersyukur, karena jalan Allah bakal emg yang paling baik pada akhirnya.




Written by Egin

If you can’t explain, then wrote.

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