Fully aware that this self is still very far from being classified as Allah good servant. But at this point, let me feel fully grateful and love Him even more.
Since the last year I have become someone who lives life by fully accepting the line of destiny that has been set by the universe. By still trying, of course. But the rest I leave where all my hopes are anchored to the One who knows what is best for me. Maybe I always seem so sure about this life I live in. Truth is, I am clueless, most of the time. No matter how I look, I am still human. Often confused and afraid. Sometimes I get lost too. Sometimes I don’t know what to do, or who to ask for help. Then I realized, Allah is everywhere I am. Every time I tell my story and ask questions, the universe will answer me very well. With calmness, guidance and even direct help. Whatever it is, I believe that what is given to me is the best in the end. I certainly have hopes and desires. Whether they are achieved or not, the important thing is that I always try to apply It’s either all out or not at all.
But when my wishes are not fulfilled, my hopes are not achieved, I always remember that all efforts will not pass by. Maybe it will be granted tomorrow, the day after, or when this self is much better and greater as the hope I created myself. The universe will not betray and efforts. At that moment, my disappointment is always replaced with a much more beautiful decree. I always try to love my destiny, and I truly love my destiny.